A major deep freeze has been spreading through the country and plunging wind chills are said to reach 'dangerously low' levels according to weather.com. As pet owners we get worried on how to keep our pets nice and warm during these frigid temperatures, so we are sharing some of our favorites to keep fido warm during this cold season.
Click on each image to be redirected to that item or click on the links below:
Row 1:
1. Polar Trex boots by Ruffwear
2. Outdoor Overall; InTheCompanyOfDogs.com
3. All weather 3 in 1 Jacket; InTheCompanyOfDogs.com
4. PorchPotty
Row 2:
1. Climate Changer; quick drying, breathable fleece jacket by Ruffwear
2. Set of 4 fleece Leggings; InTheCompanyOfDogs.com
3. Personalized fleece hoodie; InTheCompanyOfDogs.com
4. ProZip dog track jacket by WestPawDesign
Row 3:
1. Black Sneakers Pawks Dog Socks from Baxter Boo
2. Waterproof Leg Wraps in black from Baxter Boo
3. NY Giants Dog Puffer Vest from Baxter Boo
4. Snuggle Puppy