
Take your Dog 2-Work-Day

Friday is Take-your-dog-to-work-day! Are u planning on bringing Fido 2 work? If so, don't forget to take a pic & send it to B4G we'd looove to see! We will be taking some pix of our pups...& we'll post them on the blog ;)

Speak Out Against Bills That Hide Truth About Factory Farming!


Undercover investigations, like PETA's 2008 footage from an Iowa pig farm that resulted in 22 counts of livestock neglect and abuse, are critical in helping officials enforce anti-cruelty laws.

Whether you're a meat-eater or a vegan, you can stand behind the humane treatment of animals, so please CICK HERE to tell the governors of these states that we all deserve to know what happens behind closed doors on factory farms.





Going Grrr-een w/ ur pup this Earth Day!

You may ask yourself..."How can I go Green w/ my pet?" Well we here to help! When thinking about "Going Green" people tend to think its either too expensive or time consuming, when in reality it REALLY isn't! You can help the environment in the most simplest ways!


1. Use Biodegradable Poop Bags:

When buried in landfills, ordinary plastic bags take decades to decompose. By choosing biodegradable bags to collect your dog’s waste, and depending on what landfill it ends up in, you reduce that time to mere months. (check back soon-For more choices on Bio-Poop Baggies!)

2. Feed Organic:

The lowest-impact diet for your pup is a homemade meal full of organic, locally grown ingredients. By using meats, grains and vegetables farmed in your community.

If you don’t want to cook your dog’s meals, you could supplement its kibble or canned diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. You can add organic vegetables, carrots and green beans,try fruits like blueberries and bananas, or organic yogurts. Mix in some steamed vegetables, organic chicken or salmon.”

If you feed your dog a commercially made diet, choose one that’s certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Pet foods that bear the USDA Organic seal are grown on chemical-free farmland, manufactured in facilities that avoid synthetic chemicals in their processing, and are inspected regularly to ensure separation of organic and non-organic materials (such as chemical fertilizer).

Check out Bark4Green's Food Page:


3. Choose toys made from sustainable or recycled materials:

Toy makers are designing toys made with sustainable materials, such as hemp, bamboo and phthalate-free rubber. (Phthalates are chemicals added to plastic and rubber toys to make them flexible and pliable.) They’re stuffed with reclaimed cotton and colored with all-natural vegetable dyes. They’re safer for the dogs and they’re healthier for the environment!

Check out all of Bark4Green's Toys-they are ALL ECO-FRIENDLY & MADE IN THE USA!


4. Support “GREEN” Businesses:

When shopping for your dog or even yourself, patronize stores and purchase products from companies that do their part to reduce their carbon footprints. Ask the retailer if they recycle, how they conserve energy and find out if product makers use alternative power in their manufacturing processes or recycled cardboard in their packaging. If enough consumers demand it, the companies will deliver it -- and that can help our planet in the long run!


And Last but not least my favorite way (that is if you can)...

5. Adopt!!!

Do your part to reduce pet overpopulation: Consider adopting a rescue dog. Approximately six to eight million dogs need homes. These unwanted pets impact the environment by creating excess waste, which affects ground water and contributes to landfills, and requiring food and shelter, which requires energy-gulping manufacturing and electricity.


Check out Petfinder: or Contact your local Humane Society!

Made in America!

01 March 2011

Tags: Didja Knows?

Made in America!

Just watched a great report on ABC News about how making the choice to "Buy American" can help our economy. They said that if each person were to spend just $64.00 a year on products made in America that it could help create over 200,000 jobs! In the report they featured a couples house in which they removed all of the products that were not made in the USA. The house was almost completely empty! They even took their black labs bed because it was not made in the USA. You can see the story at

Terrabones are better!

Recently we've been asked a lot about how the leading green dental bone compares to the dental bones we sell at Bark4Green. Knowing the ingredients in the products you give your pet is very important, and understanding how easily they are digested can be equally important to your pets health. The Terrabone's that we sell are made with all natural and organic ingredients that can be easily digested. Some green bone's out there contain gelatin, a animal by-product. YUCK!

Here's a picture provided by Terrabone that shows what happens when a green bone and a Terrabone sits in nothing but water for a 36 hour period. The Terrabone is broken down whereas the green bone looks disgusting and about to explode! The green bone actually absorbed water like a sponge. YUCK again!

Check out our bonez section for some healthier options for your Doggy!

Top 10 Pet Names of 2010!

11 January 2011

Tags: Didja Knows?

Top 10 Pet Names of 2010!

VPI (Veterinary Pet Insurance) released a list of the most popular pet names in 2010. Check em' out!

The Top 10 Dog Names











Top 10 Cat Names











November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Important Pet Cancer Facts

1. Cancer accounts for nearly 50% of all disease-related pet deaths each year.

Source: Veterinary Oncology & Hematology Center

2. Cancer is the #1 natural cause of death in older pets.

Source: Veterinary Oncology & Hematology Center

3. Dogs get cancer at roughly the same rate as humans.


4. One in four dogs die of cancer.


5. Over 50% of the dogs over age 10 will die of cancer.


6. Just like in humans, cancer can occur in virtually any part of your dog's body.


7. Approximately 1 in 4 dogs develops a tumor of some kind during his lifetime.


8. The cause of cancer in pets, just like people, is largely unknown.

Source: Veterinary Oncology & Hematology Center

9. Common risks of obesity in pets include many forms of cancer.


WWF Says We May Need A New Planet By 2030...

WWF Says We May Need A New Planet By 2030...

The WWF  (World Wildlife Federation) reported on Wednesday that carbon pollution and overusing Earth's natural resources will leave us needing another planet to meet our needs by 2030. gets worse...

According to the report, Earth's 6.8 billion humans were living 50 percent beyond the planet's threshold of sustainability in 2007.

"Even with modest UN projections for population growth, consumption and climate change, by 2030 humanity will need the capacity of two Earths to absorb CO2 waste and keep up with natural resource consumption," it warned.

The report, also said if everyone used resources at the same rate per capita as the U.S. or the United Arad Emirates, then four and a half planets would be needed.

Yes...they said FOUR PLANETS!!!

It said that 71 countries were running down their sources of freshwater at an unsustainable rate.

About two-thirds of these countries experience "moderate to severe" water stress.

Temperate zones may be starting from a lower baseline of species loss, which could explain the gradual improvement in recent decades.

The WWF said improvements in pollution control and waste management, better air and water quality, an increase in forest cover and greater conservation efforts may be making headway in temperate countries.

Let's try & make a difference! If one person did something GREEN EVERYDAY it would help the planet out drastically.

Click ON the images below to enlarge to read on easy ways to GO-GREEN TODAY!

October is Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month

Didja know that October is Adopt A Shelter Dog month?!

It's important that you do your research before you find a shelter and decide to adopt from it. In the video (above) Veterinarian Dr. Debbye Turner Bell talks about how to choose the right shelter dog for you.

Here are some questions you may want to ask before you adopt:

--> Where did the dog come from?

--> How long has the dog been at that shelter?

--> Does the dog have any medical conditions?

Save a Life and go won’t regret it!