
Please help Piper...

Piper was hit by a car and spent two days in the ER. As pet owners our hearts break when something like this happens because our pets are part of our family and we know the vet costs pile up and it can get out of our control. So PLEASE, read Piper's story and help out if you can. Every little bit helps. 

The family has started a fundraiser to raise money to help pay for the medical bills and if they raise more than the goal, all remaining proceeds will go to Helping Hounds Dog Rescue where she came from.

For the full story of what happened CLICK HERE. Say a prayer for her as she has a few weeks of recovery ahead.

Please share the story and encourage anyone to donate, every dollar will help.



Sketchers Super Bowl Ad...

is promoting greyhound racing & we are not happy :/ As read in the attached article from the ASPCA, Sketchers is said to have filmed their Super Bowl ad at an Arizona Greyhound track. The ad features Mr. Quiggly the French Bulldog wearing sketchers sneakers competing against Greyhounds. Sad. Very sad. We recently read about the cruelty to greyhounds and find it astounding as to how someone can keep a helpless dog muzzled and in a cage for up to 20 hours a day & have any "excess" puppies killed. The ASPCA is asking for all animal lovers to "Take Action" & visit ASPCA partner organization GREY2K USA to add  your name to the petition.



Speak Out Against Bills That Hide Truth About Factory Farming!


Undercover investigations, like PETA's 2008 footage from an Iowa pig farm that resulted in 22 counts of livestock neglect and abuse, are critical in helping officials enforce anti-cruelty laws.

Whether you're a meat-eater or a vegan, you can stand behind the humane treatment of animals, so please CICK HERE to tell the governors of these states that we all deserve to know what happens behind closed doors on factory farms.





Help the Seals!!!

13 April 2011

Tags: Help!!!

Help the Seals!!!


This just breaks our hearts =( Please do your part & help these beautiful animals survive! We can not believe that people can actually do such harm to living beings such as baby seals...please read below & make a donation!

The clubbing and shooting of baby seals started Monday morning off Newfoundland. Blood now covers the ice -- and seals are dying horribly. Undeterred by seal pups drowning in their melting habitat, the Canadian government sanctioned the killing of 468,200 seals this year -- an increase of 80,000 from 2010.

Luckily the HS is working around the clock to shut down the commercial sealing industry. Their Canadian seafood boycott has grown worldwide, and they're closing markets for seal fur.Your gift will be used exclusively in the HUMANE SOCIETY'S campaign to protect seals.

Please help today. CLICK HERE-->