23 January 2017
We recently moved and of course one of our priorities was green space or at least a large terrace for the pups. Lucky for us we found the right unit, didn't have everything we were looking for but it definitely had the large terrace. When we were apartment shopping we had our list of must-haves and moving to a big city your options are very limited, especially when you have big furbabies to accommodate. Our new large terrace just needed a grass bed! We had tried the grass turf in the past and it definitely served its purpose, you just have to make sure you clean it with a hose a couple times a week and highly recommend changing it every season. Unfortunately we don't have a hose in our new terrace so we decided to try something different so we did our research and looked at different options. We decided to build an 8x8 grass bed using a garden bed we purchased at Home Depot. We also purchased soil and grass seeds and sod. We called this the 'made from scratch grass bed'. Everything looked great after it was put together. Only a couple of downsides, the soil and turf were ridiculously heavy and time consuming. Unfortunately, the grass bed didn't live as long as we had hoped for, weather conditions in the northeast are a little different than what we were used to in sunny Florida. The grass ended up dying and the 'grass bed' turned into a 'mud bed' :( we had an inkling the grass wasn't going to grow when we started getting hammered with rainstorms and no sun to help our grass bed grow. We then decided to try and rebuild our grass bed. Our original grass bed was 8x8 and the pups only went in a small part of the bed, it was too big. Our new grass bed is 4x4 and we used very little supplies, compared to our first go around.
We went with fresh patch because of the reviews and a friends recommendation.
With the frame being significantly smaller, we didn't need as much soil.
Our fresh patch came within four business days (ordered it on Sunday afternoon, arrived Thursday evening via FedEx). The grass used in Fresh Patch is grown hydroponically (without the use of soil). Their absorbent pads of living grass are lighter, cleaner, and last much longer than normal sod.
Fresh patch utilizes several different kinds of grass including rye, blue, fescue, zoysia and bermuda. (Info via FreshPatch.com FAQ's)
There really isn't any need for the potting soil but we wanted to see if the grass would root and maybe give us an extra month or 2 before ordering a replacement.
These are the steps we did to construct our grass bed:
>> 4x4 garden frame
>> Polypropylene Non Woven Filter Fabric: place the fabric down before sprinkling the potting soil.
>> Earthgro potting soil: once he soil is spread out inside the garden bed, use a steel stamper to level out the soil.
>> Fresh Patch- 2 shipments of the XL size.
01 January 2017
26 December 2016
Coming home for Christmas (...as a giant present for your dog)
Posted by Noel Parsons on Friday, December 25, 2015
Noel Parsons, just melted our hearts with this sweet video of his pup, Trouble the white Bolognese unwrapping a big surprise... Noel! Trouble's reaction is priceless!
Here are more pics of the Noel & Trouble...
01 December 2016
It's here, its finally here, the most wonderful time of the year, its CHRISTMAS TIME! We loooove to celebrate this time of year and we mean celebrate! We have our collars and our 'On-the-Go' Dog treats ready to go, so if you are looking for a special gift for your furry child or even a pet in the family, spread the holiday cheer! We would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season. Stay warm and safe!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Please keep in mind with a house full of family and delicious food, your pup may not quite understand what is going on.
infographic via petcarerx.com
11 November 2016
To all those with two legs and those with four who have served and continue to serve, we thank you for your service. HAPPY VETERANS DAY.
01 November 2016
26 April 2016
"National Kids & Pets Day is dedicated to furthering the magical bond between children and animals and to help bring awareness to the plight of pets in shelters awaiting new homes.” (-Colleen Paige)
Use #NationalKidsAndPetsDay to post on social media.
21 April 2016